Childhood memories
Chinook Cres, circa 1972, fondly remembering tiny blue flowers
dangling like a bell, growing along side our house and fixing up the seldom visited far side of
house. I cannot locate that exact flower; it wasn't Virginia Blue Bells nor Lily of the Valley. Perhaps the Canterbury Bell Flower, but I recall the flower being a paler shade of blue. I settled on white Bleeding Hearts and the rare pink Lily of the Valley. The soil was perfect for these flowers as they do best in shade and mulch. This area was where the
stump crusher took care of a bad tree and left the root to rot. If its too late this spring for blooms, I least I FINALLY got them in for the next year!
I need one more large stone, for the last step. Eventually an arbor, climbing vines and a skinny tall cedar tree to provide more shade for the little, soon-to-be, bell flowers. For now, I will plant some Morning Glories to decorate the chain link pole.
Revisiting my
bucket carting pea gravel of yesteryear ... I had two garbage cans of pea gravel left over from last falls pea gravel patio. Using this to fill in between the temporary stone patio behind the slide. Made a bit of progress this weekend.
And a Sunday morning outing,
Sweet toddlerhood, oblivious to any tension, enjoyed the walk stroll around Green Lakes, and as the loop ended the boys' enthusiasm picked up, but the silent tension following me, I couldn't get further away. Trying to deflect those angry vibes, crossed arms, following 8 feet behind us. I didnt know what his issue was, but ugh, shake it off. I couldn't wait to be back home where it was bound to be more relaxed. By the time we got to the beach, Lucy, skipping and twirling across the empty warm sand, the boy lit up at the site of the challenge course. We were happier, at least the three of us.

Back home we built a chimney smoking grill and then borrowed the neighbours lawn mower and cut the hay field backyard. WOW. The ease of using the gas powered lawn mower was freeing, and enjoyable and rewarding. The backyard had over grown as my reel mower sat in the garage, waiting to get sharpened and I knew by the time I got a chance to get it to the knife sharpener, the grass would be unmanageable for a reel. Been there done that. A last attempt to control the growth, I lugged out the weed whacker, filled it with mixed gas and discovered a hole in the gas
tank! The squirrels had gnawed on it all winter, siphoning some gas to eat????. Maybe a blessing. Fifteen minutes with the borrowed mower, I learned that my time and energy are priorities and its time I trade in the reel mower for a gas, or perhaps a battery operated mower. Adios my beloved reel mower, owned and loved and well used for 7 years.

My mom arriving shortly after, we were able to sit and relax and eat our first outdoor grilled burgers. My son, a chef in training, he made the patties and did the flipping.
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