Friday, April 13, 2012

Babies and pets

We have a dog named Luc. That is, Luc as in the french pronunciation, yet short for Lukas, the Russian spelling. Or so I thought at the time. We wanted a big and burly sounding name for the mighty pug.

Guarding first born

When the babies were of the laying around on the floor age, Luc the pug ALWAYs went over and sat beside them. Protecting them. Guarding them. Luc the soldier, he was named.

Guarding 2nd born

The first time he crawled INTO the mosses basket to protect infant, I panicked, yelped and got him out. Moses basket is small, he was offering too much protection.  I bought him a dog bed. He stayed out of basket.

Luc the pug has patience and tolerance and humour. He doesn't mind the pulling of hair, prodding of bulging eyes and in your face behaviour or little kids, in fact he LOVES kids and starts wiggling his butt (an attempt at wagging his tail) when kids coming walking down the street..

Luc and L.

Luc and C.

Looking back through photos, we found Lucs little face in every picture that was taken of our first born. Photobombing, I wouldn't put it past him. Making sure he wasn't left out or being replaced.

The kids are a bit older now and so is Luc. He seems more relaxed, after all that parenting.

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