Friday, June 7, 2013

Parker bench

A while ago I found this bench and fell in love.

The colour of the upholstery, the wood, the engravings, legs, wheels ... All.  I have never been to a World Market store, but I would take a chance on this a buy online.

While I have been painting my dining room one wall at a time (one wall completed with two coats, two halves of two walls completed. Now to shove the furniture all to the other side). I just shove the furniture aside and get to work. One shove too many and the leg on my bench fell off. Sucks because I wanted to use the bench as "scaffolding" to reach the higher areas. Sucks because the broken bench leg revealed its cheapness.  The leg was just nailed on rather then screwed on. The bench is low and eventually I was going to replace the legs with higher ones, so reaching ones plate on the table would be easier. Blah, fake legs. fake bench. (hammered back on w/ wood glue, but I'm skeptical of its strength)

BUT Yay for new bench.  IF/when my contract resumes the Parker bench is the first thing I'm buying.

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