Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun in the kitchen - the details

Spice rack up! 

But what is casting all those shadows and light? Well! that would be the beehive light that I purchased many months ago! And luckily I still like it and it still works for me! Have you ever had something for so long, something you bought and loved but then months later, you wondered if you would still like it and if it would even look OK the way you originally envisioned?

I had ordered 2 medium and one large last August, 6 whole months ago. The medium arrived and I immediately cancelled the large, which had been backordered. The medium were large enough. I originally thought three would work in my kitchen, in a L shape  of sorts, wrapping around the backwards L counter.  No way, not after I had one sitting in here.   I re-planned the lighting, and kept the 2nd medium to hang above my stairs. 

Months later, my contractor came (alright, he had been here many other times to help install the cabinets and counter, but yesterday he came to help with the details). I sat and he would ask "Whats next?" Boom, boom, boom! My wishes, problems fixed and design ideas come to light right in front of me; install the remaining three problem drawers; spice rack up; beehive light, up, task lights assembled and installed. 2nd beehive light up. toe kick installed. Woot.

More about the task lighting in another post.

Next week, the trim and baseboard!

"Beehive" light : aka West Elm Organic Blown Glass Pendant
Spice rack: Lisa and Lars Greenhouse framing
Yellow industrial task lights: Cage and bulbs from 1000bulbs; cord from an ebay seller.

Lighting inspiration. here, here and here

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