Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Although we are home now and I took the weekend to re-cooperate, the trip is not over until I retrieve the pets. So off again, a  4 hour drive to Canada to get the dog.

 But just before I leave, a moment of pure delight and shame to share. I was returning from the park the other day and stole some hydrangea flowers from my neighbour's yard. I love a dried hydrangea flower and a few years ago I bought and planted a bush. Problem is the one I picked out has tiny, tiny petals (must be a hybrid hydrangea) and the petals are not as full as the ones I admire.

I didn't think much of it until I was Monteverde where this flower is also loved, both inside and out. The pictures below are all taken in Monteverde, Blue flowers and scattered bushes through out the country side.  The flower so large you can see them speckled across the farm, in the distance.

It was an impetuous moment, I took the first three I got too, glancing over my shoulder neither thinking or picking the best. And I'm tickled with delight. (I have also told my neighbour-friend of my guilty moment and she laughed)

I have oodles of pictures to go through and one particular story to document (which includes a man on a horse, a wild imagination and a misty morning). And then a few home projects to get on with.

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