A mere 24 hrs after deciding it was time to get rid of the stove, posting an ad on craigslist and its gone. I suppose FREE is an incentive.
I sold the fridge via craigslist as well, but I experienced too much guilt and angst along with the price tag I had attached to it. A fridge I had only known for a few years. A fridge that froze my watermelon and melted my ice cream. How was I to guarantee the life of the fridge that was kind of working but could break any time. What if this fridge was put in an apartment and I was the tenant. Could this fridge be better then the one it was replacing. Hardly. I couldn't sell it the lady that was looking to replace her mothers broken fridge or even the scammer who wanted to send me money right away and pay oodles for shipping it to his ailing, fridgeless grandmother. Nope couldn't even sell it to him. Perhaps a beer fridge or a 2nd fridge in the garage, but not as a main fridge. The guy who bought it was really knowledgeable in moving out appliances, professional and was happy to pay 100 dollars lower then the suggested asking price. I'll take it for 50 and the risk that comes with it he said. Deal done.
I decided free was the way to go for the stove, even though I could guarantee this stove. But I just wanted it out. Free to whomever wants to move it out of my house. This was a 24" white electric stove. Two knobs to share amongst the 4 burners, the rubber lining peeling off and a temperature gauge on the brink. Haven't baked banana bread in 2 years. Maybe a camp stove for someone else, but farewell it was for us.
Clearing some room in the kitchen, I can now store the newly assembled cabinets in their respective areas AND move around the house a bit easier.
No stove meant I had to go out a buy a hotplate and make a "camp cook stove" area to bide us some time until the counters arrive. A .51cent piece of scrap mdf from the hardware store resting on the inverted cabinets, a collection of tile samples, a hotplate and some vignettes.
This should work for a couple weeks, while I assemble the last two cabinets, install them and get a digital template made for the counter. Ah counter, yep I finally went to the counter store yesterday. In their small display area was a beautiful soapstone counter and sink. Just what I was looking for. Spoke with salesperson, eyed and caressed and sprayed water on the HUGE slabs of soapstone in the ware house ... yes already in stock. Pressuring her for a quick estimate, cubic feet cost, something .... yes, I was pressuring the SALESperson ... I didn't want another day to go by. I finally realized she just needed a sketch of the kitchen and dimensions. Oh yes, I can do that right here on the back of this paper. Dimensions included. Impressed her, but really after a year and a half who wouldn't know the exact numbers, down to the 5" x 4" beam thing that sticks out. Left the warehouse/displayhouse thinking the kitchen could possibly be completed by my BIrthDay!!!
Arrived home to two huge boxes . Lighting already! The
light is behind the little girl, hidden, as enormous as it is. So big I
have to cancel the order of the large sized pendant and rethink the
Removal of stove, counter estimate and lighting all in one day!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
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